Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who let the dogs in...

Before our time on this planet, humans did things that today seem absolutely asinine. For example, during the days of the Incas, if someone had a migraine headache a doctor would drill a hole in their head to let the demons out. In ancient Rome, before the days of Roto-Rooter, the poor would sit at the floor seats of the Colosseum so that at breaks, when everyone would piss off the side of the structure, those less well off got...well...shit on. And if you ever had to fake attention during a history class you know that the people in Salem, MA were always paranoid of witches (and losing high school football to Marblehead). So I often wonder what people 1000 or more years from now will point out as the most bizarre thing us crazy 2009ers did.

And I think it is simple - dogs.

Think about it for a second. Animals in the house.

Why is this ok? I really don't get it. At what point did it become ok to hold an animal, let it lick your face, rub its fresh feces stained nostrils on yours, and all the while you laugh and use baby voices to coax it out of shitting or pissing more on the floor? I'm not a germ freak. Or an animal hater. I'm really fine with animals doing their thing on their time and in their place.

But why dogs? Why is it understood that some animals you shouldn't have in your house, but dogs are fine? SPCA would have you believe that it is because they are domesitcated creatures. Well last time we held living creatures to do things that weren't natural we called it slavery, and it didn't end well.

Your place in history?, your call.

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