"Where is Interstate 30?", she asked
"You mean that 8 lane major highway about a mile north of here?", replied the prof.
"Well I don't live around here," she confidently retorted.
Hmmmm. Well...yes you do live around here. Because you are in class here, and people don't drive too too far for a photography night course. And you are in Texas. And if you are in Texas you are either from that town in Texas, or from another part of the country and you find learning the two or three major roads in your new city useful.
It was a brief chuckle. Almost like you were not sure if she was serious or not so you didn't know how hard to laugh. Like if I were drinking milk, it would have come out of my nose, but like a spray...more like a trickle.
So an hour or so later we pass in our homework on flash drives. It's a photography course...so we basically just look at everyone else's work. One by one the drives are inserted into the pc and then displayed on the overhead. The professor gets about half way through and then more hilarity ensues.
"Whose drive is this? Which one is your homework?", the clearly confused prof asks.
"It's one of the 'A1's", my new favorite student (from above) replies.
The screen is littered with folders from her flash drive. EVERY folder is named "A1something". Every folder. Probably 25 on the screen (and clearly more below if you scrolled) were called A1something.
"Try A1PHOTO", she yells, almost mocking him for not trying it.
The folder contains 3 files:
- broken_childhood_hate.ppt
- broken_dreams_hate.ppt
- notanothertime.doc
Then pure gold.
"Go back one, try A1PhotoClass folder", she corrected herself
"Care to comment on that [what we just saw]", the prof inquired clearly hoping not to get a response.
"Oh, I name all my folders with A1 so the important ones always appear on top", she said proudly as if to lay to rest any possible question you had about her intellect or organizational skills.
I couldn't fill my lungs up with air fast enough to keep up with my laughter. The damn student chair/desk contraption was keeping me in place when I clearly just wanted to fall on the ground laughing. If I were drinking milk it would have been spewed into the air so high that by the time it came down it would have covered the class with cottage cheese.
I have never had so many questions for one person, but she left class too fast. And I fear she will not be back...only because she is in the day class. I don't think the laughter and confusion phased her one bit. I would give all my breast milk for the next ten years away for one hour with her, and one hour with her flash drive.